
Leesburg Training Centre

Last modified: Dec 13, 2024 @ 1:14 pm

Xerox International Center for Training & Management Development (XICTMD)

The center was built by Xerox in 1974 under the name of Xerox International Center for Training and Management Development. It was later changed to Xerox Document University when an additional building was added to train employees in copier technology and equipment. In 1994 Xerox opened the facilities to other corporations, and sold it to Oxford Capital Partners in 2000 as part of an exit from the hospitality industry. In part this exit was due to a continuous under-capacity in event bookings, despite such events as the National Veterans Golden Age Games being hosted at the site. From its opening in 1974 until May 2014, it was run by ARAMARK Harrison Lodging, a management services company. In May 2014, NCC EE, LLC became the new management services group. Source: Wikipedia

History of Xerox Leesburg property

Colonial history of Leesburg

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Bob Bykowski
Bob Bykowski
October 5, 2024 9:36 pm

I went there in 1999 for 8 days of training. I had a blast. The cafeteria there was awesome especially for dinners and the large bar in the complex was always hopping at night time.

Trish Ficarella
Trish Ficarella
July 7, 2024 12:31 am

Anyone on this site remember Diane and George Simmons? Diane was me sister and her and George perished on Sept. 11th

Reply to  Trish Ficarella
July 21, 2024 8:19 pm

Hi Trish
My great friends George and Dianne who I met through working at Xerox. I worked and live in England where George came to deliver sales training to our staff.
Whenever I visited Leesburg I stayed with George and Dianne and they visited us when they were in the UK. I miss them terribly
Please let me have your email address if you would like to talk more

John Gomez
John Gomez
November 27, 2023 3:06 pm

I was a Technical Instructor at XICTMD in Leesburg Virginia from 1978 to 1981. I was an instructor for the 660, 2300 and 3100 product lines. During those years I worked under the greatest team of Train The Trainer Instructors I could ever have imagined. This Train The Trainer Program was known as Steadfast. With this program I have held all other training programs as accountable to this excellence in training Benchmark as inspired By Rich Yurchak. Undoubtedly the best Train in the World.

Kenneth Manfredi
Kenneth Manfredi
Reply to  John Gomez
December 17, 2023 5:38 pm

I worked for Xerox (Ft Lauderdale office, Miami Branch) and was there on at least 6 occasions from 1974 to 1980. I was employed by Xerox for 9 years & this was a yearly pilgrimage for training. I taught an abbreviated PSS in branch, as a prerequisite for new hire probation. I determined if they stayed or left before their 30-day probation ended. I was a facsimile specialist in 1975 & left as a SAE in 1980. That company made my future in sales & marketing, a great experience. BTW they paid for my MBA too!

Last edited 1 year ago by Kenneth Manfredi
Brian Russell
Brian Russell
Reply to  John Gomez
February 4, 2024 1:53 am

John, your name is so familiar to me. Were you an FMCS (at the time that is what they called the Field Managers of Customer Service) in Houston? I feel like you either hired me or trained me on the 3100 in June, of ’81. Huge training class – I’m guessing there were 50 techs getting trained in that room – 3 instructors. Great machine as long as it was sold as a low volume box.

October 20, 2023 1:59 am

I came across this website by pure chance, I spent two weeks there as part of the ACT program in 1986. Was indeed one of the highlights of my career. Miss the “old” Xerox. And yes, I remeber the deer. Always had an apple or two with me to share.

Robert Sanchez
Robert Sanchez
October 13, 2023 7:14 pm

I loved the several times I went to Leesburg over the years. Great campus, well maintained. Does anybody remember the deer that was nicknamed “dinner bell”. It must have been late ’80s or early ’90s there was one particular deer that knew the meal schedule by heart and was always outside the cafeteria begging apple slices. She gave birth to two babies just after I left that particular trip

Ned Laventall
July 2, 2023 7:46 pm

I was the lead chef there from ’80 – ’82 with Aramark. I’m retired now (kind of) after a 50 year career. XCITMD was the best job I ever had. From the most technologically advanced kitchen to the superb staff and heady atmosphere to the amazing benefits of “downtime” – full pay for 2 weeks around all holidays when no trainees were on campus- I hated when the Reagan recession forced staff reductions and I had to transfer to another client (Gallaudet University….yech). Then RR fired the air traffic controllers in Leesburg causing even more stress in town.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ned Laventall
Roger Moren
Roger Moren
June 3, 2023 11:11 pm

What a shame to see what was a great co. go down the tubes. Joe Wilson would say our employes. are our biggest asset .-

Rod Paine
Rod Paine
June 2, 2023 4:52 pm

I was the manager of the TV Studio’s and TV support of the classrooms. The Xerox facility had 3 broadcast quality TV studios
and all facility areas were equipped with televisions. I also managed the Graphic Design and Product Suppor functions. Unfortunately the TV studios have become storage facilities and are no longer used! Sad indeed!

David Metcalf
David Metcalf
March 24, 2023 5:17 pm

Amazing place, I have gone to many Xerox schools but this was by far the best of all. Everything you need was there, on site Jim, food, bar, etc, etc.

antonio sanchez
antonio sanchez
November 19, 2022 3:13 am

does anyone have workgroup meeting documents? agenda builder, strawman, notes?

Mark Decker
Mark Decker
Reply to  antonio sanchez
February 1, 2024 9:06 pm

the only documents I have are all of my diplomas from there.

Steve Swenson
Steve Swenson
November 17, 2022 12:23 am

Joined in Madison WI. 1970, trained in Chicago on the 2400/3600. Hired for the Hot Shot upgrade on the 2400. Those were the hay days for sure. New Company car every two years, Olds Cutlass Supreme, Chevy Malibu, both two-door red with white interior and vinyl roof.

Robert Whitley
Robert Whitley
November 11, 2022 4:22 pm

I was hired April1974 and was supposed to go to Crystal City but I ended up in Leesburg at XICTMD which I thought was great. The training was excellent the food was great and they had a BAR, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The Wednesday roast beef was excellent almost as good as my roast Moose. I enjoyed
many trips to Leesburg 660’s, Consoles, 2300’s, 9000 family and others . First graduating Class in XICTMD. There was still a little work being done on it in 1974. Ottawa Canada branch
(3358, Bob)

October 4, 2022 2:55 pm

I spent many weeks training at XICTMD during the course of my 31 year Xerox career. My daughter-in-law was hired as a Fema employee several years ago and went their to train for Fema.
What a coincidence, It is no longer XICTMD. There are many changes but still much remains the same.

Michael Arnold
Michael Arnold
October 3, 2022 2:44 pm

The tunnels, the food, the classrooms, the laundry service, the hotel/dorm rooms, all excellent. This was the ‘Pentagon’ of corporate business. The corporate world was great back then.

Roger Moren
Roger Moren
Reply to  Michael Arnold
June 4, 2023 8:12 pm

In spite of what is published, I’ll bet your use of Pentagen is pretty close to who utilizes it today

Ron Phillips
Ron Phillips
October 2, 2022 5:36 pm

I first went to the Leesburg training center in Dec. of 1975. It was out in the country with very little around it, and if you went into the town of Leesburg, they rolled up the sidewalks at 8:00 PM.

Paul Beaudoin
Paul Beaudoin
September 16, 2022 4:37 pm

This website brings back memories, I spent 22 years in field service. I started out as a PSR(1983) in Providence later became a CSE. I serviced 2300’s up to 5100’s and everything in between. I worked Southeastern Massachusetts and all of Rhode Island. I left in 2005 to teach high school electronics.

R. Joseph (Joe) Trammell
June 21, 2022 10:49 pm

Hello Roger, Do you remember me? It’s been a long time. For more about me now, see

Roger J Merriman
Roger J Merriman
April 19, 2022 2:49 pm

Was project manager for the design-build project in 1970 till turn over, fantastic group to work with and the ability to start a large project in Loudoun County, now Loudoun is really grown up. Ashburn is the new Loudoun, and Landsdown Hospitals

Rod Paine
Rod Paine
January 9, 2022 8:35 pm

I was responsible for assisting in the design and implementation of the classrooms A/V systems and the Training Centers three broadcast quality color TV studios, built in the basement of the building. It was a significant television program creation capability, and was in fact superior to the then Washington DC TV studios capabilities. It was a great assignment and I certainly was proud of the high quality level of TV productions we created, to support the training efforts of the Training Center, as well as TV training support for the Xerox Field Offices.

John D Linn
John D Linn
Reply to  Rod Paine
January 31, 2022 6:17 pm

Hey Rod, what a surprise to see your comments. You may remember me as one of the video guys from Webster Media Center. Our two teams of course worked on many projects together. My first memory of XICTMD was a visit during construction where we filmed (yes 16mm film) for a presentation we were doing for the branch trainers. The training center was very impressive and it is a little sad to see how much development has happened since those early years. The pristine natural site has now been developed to the point that is is almost unrecognizable. But that… Read more »

Rod Paine
Rod Paine
Reply to  John D Linn
February 1, 2022 2:32 pm

Hi John,
Sent a reply but this system has not POSTED IT!
Send me your ‘E-MAIL’ address to me at and I’ll send you my reply.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rod Paine
Dana Milller
Dana Milller
Reply to  John D Linn
November 19, 2022 9:53 pm

Hi John Linn, hope you are well haven’t seen you since I left Xerox in 2007.

Paul Hanson
Paul Hanson
December 14, 2021 2:17 am

I was a bit of an outlier. I hated the Leesburg facility. Sales training was all mind games trying to put pressure on the trainee and disorient you. I always lost weight because I hated the food – I was in a small minority but we ate much better at home. One interesting little thing about the room numbering method – it was deliberately set up that way to confuse the guest. The convention for giving numbers is generally building/floor/room. This makes sense – figure out the building, find the floor, look for the room. I think they did it… Read more »

Robert Evans
Robert Evans
Reply to  Paul Hanson
April 13, 2022 4:48 am

They did it floor/bldg./room because of the phone system (to allow for future expansion).

Reply to  Paul Hanson
May 5, 2022 12:35 pm

You sound like a complainer

November 19, 2021 8:23 pm

My father joined in 1966 according to what he authorized, but God forbid that he was injured in an accident in 1973 when he was returning from work and completely lost his movement and work because he had a spinal injury, but today, praise be to God, he is enjoying good health, much better than that days, and he used to tell me about his work and his love for him.

Pete Della Ratta
Pete Della Ratta
November 12, 2021 9:16 pm

It sure beat staying at Hicksville Motor lodge.

Larry Watson
Larry Watson
Reply to  Pete Della Ratta
September 12, 2022 9:09 pm

I stayed there a couple of times when I was at Canon USA!

Wayne Irwin
Wayne Irwin
Reply to  Pete Della Ratta
October 22, 2022 11:45 pm

I had my first training on Long Island in 1971 for basic copier training. However when I trained on the 4000 family, it was just outside of Washington, DC. Next training was at XICTMD for several products. I was with Xerox for 26 years when it was a great place to work. I don’t know what it’s like to work at Xerox these days but from what I have heard, it isn’t the same company I worked for.

Dale K. Duncan
Dale K. Duncan
Reply to  Pete Della Ratta
November 9, 2022 9:49 pm

Actually i had my first treaining in Chicago (5 wks) .Then Hicksville for a couple more products. Then Crystal City for 4000. Then many many trips to Leesburg. Trained on everything from 813 to high speed laser printers. Worked in Maine so had to be trained on everything! Started in 1969 retired in 2000. Great to work for except the last couple years.

David Metcalf
David Metcalf
Reply to  Pete Della Ratta
March 24, 2023 5:23 pm

I agree, I spent 6 weeks training at the great Hicksville site, old times.

John Mitchell
John Mitchell
November 10, 2021 1:39 am

Visited Leesburg several times between 1985 and 1995 for both technician training (9500/9900/5090) and sales trainer training. The volleyball tournaments and Thursday nights in the bar were definitely the highlights of my visits there. That and the cafeteria which was simply amazing. Still have my “Team Xerox 1985” t-shirt I bought at the gift shop. Loved my days with Xerox.

Patrick Forbes
Patrick Forbes
Reply to  John Mitchell
December 14, 2022 8:20 pm

I was a new hire in 1973, my first training was at the Crystal City Center 813 and 914 training. My rom mate was Nicholas Lambardo. Fortunately my second training program was at Lesburg center. Loved the place! Trained al the way to 1075s. Bahamas.

June 26, 2021 8:35 pm

My previous comment had the email typed incorrectly. Please update to this. Thanks!

June 26, 2021 8:30 pm

Spent weeks at the big training facility. It was a beautiful place in the day. Tunnels, classrooms, great food. Everyone dressed for success and the laundry services were excellent! Took basic and advanced, a course on offset/web printing to be applied to marketing the 5090. First time I had hands-on the IBM and Kodak duplicators during competition training. Met a lot of great people and heard many good stories. I remember a trainer, older fellow, who had success with the Navy. I have lots of pictures and a video of me doing a sales presentation. Weekends here were excellent. We… Read more »

Mark Decker
Mark Decker
Reply to  Mike
July 27, 2021 2:37 am

I must’ve spent half my life in Leesburg too. Was in the very first ACT class which was for the 9200. One of the instructors, a tech from down south, would sabotage the machine and we had to figure out how, which is where I learned about Jesus clips. Later I went back for sales training, and then Docutech trainer and analyst training. I also remember that old Navy guy in the competitive lab, he was crusty but pretty funny. I always drove down from NJ and a few times we went into to town and Payne’s Biker bar.

Reply to  Mark Decker
October 14, 2021 10:25 pm

I joined Xeror in 1977 as a tech Rep and retired in 2003 and in that time frame I was in Leesburg a total of 7 months and 3 weeks. Going to Leesburg was always a welcome break for the daily work load. Like Mike mention the food and scenery was great. You meant people from all over the US and Canada. It was also interesting how the town of Leesburg was growing from this little town to a city. It was great from 660’s to 6180’S

Jack Vormittag
Reply to  Mike
October 23, 2021 6:21 pm

I joined Xerox Dec. 1969 on Long Island N. Y. I became a trainer on June 1,1973 at Crystal City just outside Washington D.C. Moved to XICTMD Leesburg on June 1,1974. I was an instructor on 3100, TC410, 3400, 9200, 9400 and MARS work support. I left XICTMD on April 1, 1979 to move to Lynchburg, Va. where I still reside. It was the high light of my career and life. A great place to work and visit. Thanks Sandy Banker always in my heart.

Reply to  Jack Vormittag
November 15, 2021 2:49 am

Oh wow I had forgotten about him. I met him and chatted with him several times around the facility,

XICTMD was indeed an amazing place. Met many great gals and guys there, late 70’s to mid-80’s. I was single and fired up several romances there. Very nostalgic to think about.

Jeff Duntemann
Reply to  Jack Vormittag
April 28, 2022 2:46 am

Heh. Maybe I met you there. I learned the ancient copiers (914/720/1000/813/660) in the fall of 1974, the 4000/4500 a year or so later, and finally the 3100 and LDC. I met a lot of interesting people, and wire-wrapped a COSMAC ELF computer on my off-time. I learned to like country music there, because a country station was all I could pick up on my little transistor radio. I like the music to this day. Xerox was a great gig. I was there for ten years. They gave me a job as a programmer in the early 80s, even though… Read more »

Patrick Forbes
Patrick Forbes
Reply to  Jack Vormittag
December 14, 2022 8:49 pm

hey Jack! Did you instruct TC410 along with Skipy Newbury? I was in her clas.

Jack Vormittag
Reply to  Patrick Forbes
December 16, 2022 4:02 am

I taught TC-410 for the last 2 classes in Crystal City May 1974 just before we opened Leesburg. This was the only classes I taught of TC-410.

Ken MacFadden
Ken MacFadden
Reply to  Jack Vormittag
February 28, 2024 8:10 am

Jack, I’m sorry to see that you replied “No” to the final XICTMD reunion. I had legitimate conflicts with every other reunion, so this will be my only one, and I was hoping to see you. Of the 89 people currently registered, only one of them was in my 2400 work-group during my 11 months at Leesburg. Why only 11 months? I was offered a position in Service Education in Rochester in May 1975 that was too good to refuse. It led to several fascinating opportunities, the best of which was a DuPont/Xerox joint venture near Philadelphia. Second best was… Read more »

Jack Vormittag
Reply to  Ken MacFadden
March 2, 2024 3:35 am


Great to hear from you after so LLOONNGG. I don’t like to communicate on the internet. If you can call me at
434-239-5057 – Home phone Not a cell phone
Or leave me a message at – How to get in touch with you.

Best Wishes,
Jack Vormittag

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